Own Label - Coley Porter Bell

Turning around underperforming
own brand​

Thanks for visiting, we ‘ve worked with leading own brand with grocery brands on 3 continents. We believe what we’ve learned there can help you ride the wave of own brand in the USA and wanted to share one of those cases, Tesco​

• Tesco own brand was underperforming, held back by a number if issues (that feel similar to where you are today…):​
• Own brand offers often designed as as brand ‘me-too’s’ leading to poor quality perceptions​
• Own brand inconsistently designed across the store making it hard to locate and navigate​
• Haphazard architecture with ranges added ad-hoc rather than a whole store, customer led holistic approach.​

As it outperformed competitors in blind taste tests – but underperformed in branded tests – we knew the problem was a brand one. Our solution turned the fortunes of Tesco own brand around:​

• Highest own brand share in UK​
• Over 6% y/y growth (CHECK WE CAN REF THESE)​
• Double digit LFL growth on every category relaunch​
• Finest quality perceptions up 143 (basis points?)(!!!!!)​
• Finest sales up 8.2%​

Tesco - 5 Different flavours of own brand chocolate placed on a black textured background
Tesco - A collection of fruit bars placed on a green, forest like background
Tesco - a still packaged pork pie placed on a red background
Tesco - a small punnet of strawberries placed on a red background
Tesco - an assortment of different Greek yoghurts placed in front of a blue background
2 employees about to bake some bread
Someone displaying fresh fish
A bearded man picking some tomatoes
A lady doing some gardening - looking at some plants proudly.
Tesco - an assortment of different tea placed on a yellow background
Tesco - box of tea bags placed next to 2 mugs of tea with differing milk content
Tesco finest seafood spread out on a mountainous background
Tesco finest - organic products spread out on wood

Some of our own brand experience around the world