Bolstering British brands to bring economic growth - Coley Porter Bell

Bolstering British brands to bring economic growth

Featured in Campaign

Written by: Rob Allen, Strategy Partner

The UK economy is becalmed. Business leaders, politicians and commentators are frantically searching around for ideas to ignite growth. But recession, budgetary pressures and political will mean many of the areas that Britain naturally excels at have been constrained and cut back.

We are a nation known for our creativity, academic prowess and entrepreneurialism yet funding for arts and higher education has been reduced. With an election set for this year, getting the economy back to growth and fighting fit is starting to gain political party attention.

But what is completely absent from the discussion is any mention of brands. Brands add value, deepen loyalty and increase margins. Why aren’t we focussed on championing and building these national assets?

The reality is that the UK already has enormous global brands, hidden in plain sight – The BBC, Dyson, Paddington Bear, Scottish Whisky, London – the list is endless. All these brands are valued and trusted by consumers across the world. And there are some clear values that underpin and unite all great British brands: creativity, craft and a degree of quirkiness.

So, how do we develop the next wave of top British brands? What do we need to do to ensure more British brands lead markets and categories? In this article for Campaign, Rob Allen, Strategy Partner at Coley Porter Bell, will explore how we can instil brand strategies across the board to put ideas and creativity onto the agenda of every UK business.

Read the full article here to learn more.